जैसा की आप जानते है की जब भी हम ऑनलाईन फॉर्म भरते है तो बहुुत पीडीएफ फाईल को एस साथ करनी होती है इस एप्लीकेशन की मदद से आप बहुत सारी पीडीएफ फाईल को एक साथ मर्ज कर एक सिंगल पीडीएफ बना सकते है एवं उक्त बनी हुई पीडीएफ फाईल को डाउनलोड कर उपयोग में ले सकते है
पीडीएफ फाईल किसी प्रकार मर्ज की जाती है
- सबसे पहले जिस फाईल को मर्ज करनी है उन सभी पीडीएफ फाईलों का चयन करेंं
- उसके बाद सारी पीडीएफ फाईल एप्लीकेशन में शॉ हो जायेगी
- उसके बाद निचे दिये गये Merge PDF पर किल्क करें
- इसके बाद कुछ समय बाद आपकी सभी पीडीएफ फाईल मर्ज हो जायेगी
- इसके बाद Download PDF का ऑपशन शॉ हो जायेगा वहां से आप अपनी मर्ज पीडीएफ को डाउनलोड कर यूज में ले सकतेे हो
Unlimited :- This PDF Merger is free and provides you to use it unlimited times and merge PDF files online.
Fast :- Its merge processing is powerful. So, It takes less time to merge all the selected PDF files.
Security :- All files uploaded by you will be automatically permanently erased from our servers after 2 hours.
Add Multiple Files :- On the tool, you can easily merge multiple PDFs at a time. You can simply merge PDFs and save it.
User Friendly :- This tool is designed for all users, advanced knowledge is not required. So, It's easy to merge PDF files.
Powerful Tool :- You can access or use the PDF Merger online on the Internet using any browser from any operating system.
How to merge PDF files online?
1. Select PDFs that you want to merge on the PDF Merger.
2. See the preview of all the selected PDFs on the PDF Merger.
3. You can reorder PDF files by dragging them accordingly.
4. Also, you can add or remove PDFs from the list.
5. Finally, download the merged PDF from the PDF Merger.
You can simply merge multiple PDF files in one using this online merger tool. Select PDF files that you want to merge on this merge multiple PDF files tool. This is the simplest way to merge PDFs on merge multiple PDF files tool.
This is one of the best ways to merge multiple PDF files online using this free merger tool. It’s easy and fast to merge lots of PDF files at a time using this merge multiple PDF files tool. For this, select multiple PDF on this tool those PDFs you want to merge. After selecting PDFs on this tool, you can see there this tool will automatically merge all the PDFs into a single PDF and then display the download button. Now, you can download a merged PDF file on your mobile phone or on a computer device and others. You can also add more PDFs to a list or remove them as well. Finally, using this merge multiple PDF files tool, you can easily merge lots of PDFs at a time.
How to merge multiple PDF files?
1. First of all, select PDF files on this merge multiple PDF files tool.
2. See, selected PDFs preview on the PDF merger.
3. Reorder PDF files as you want.
4. You can add or remove PDF from the tool.
5. Finally, download merged PDF from this merge multiple PDF files tool.
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