नमस्कार दोस्तों
जैसा की आप जानते है की बहुत सारी ईमेज फाईल से को एक साथ मर्ज कर GIF इमेज बनाना कितना मुश्किल कार्य है लेकिन आप उक्त एप्लीकेशन की मदद से उक्त कार्य कुुछ सैंकण्डों में कर सकते है
GIF फाईल का मतलब यह होतो है की बहुत सारी इमेज फाईल से एक इमेज फाईल बनाना एवं वह इमेज फाईल कुछ समय अन्तराल में ऑटोमेटिक चैंज होती रहती है ाा
उक्त एप्लीकेशन की कुछ महत्वपूर्ण विशेषताऍ है
जो निम्न प्रकार है
Unlimited :- This GIF Maker is free and provides you to use it unlimited times and make GIF from images online.
Fast :- Its making processing is powerful. So, It takes less time to make GIF from all the selected images.
Security :- All files uploaded by you will be automatically permanently erased at a time
Download :- On the tool, you can easily make GIF from lots of images. You can simply make a GIF file and save it.
User Friendly :- This tool is designed for all users, advanced knowledge is not required. So, It's easy to make a GIF.
Powerful Tool :- You can access or use the GIF Maker online on the Internet using any browser from any operating system.
How to
make GIF online?
Select images that you want to make GIF on the GIF Maker.
See the preview of all the selected images on the tool.
Adjust width, height, speed, and image rotation, etc.
Also, you can add or remove images from the list.
Finally, download the GIF file from the GIF Maker.
This is the best way to
make GIF files using images on the GIF maker tool. It’s fast and easy to make
GIF file online using lots of images on GIF maker tool. So, select lots of
images that you want to make GIF on GIF maker tool.
Using this online GIF
maker tool you can make your GIF. This is free and easy to use and make GIF
using this GIF maker tool. You can easily convert images into GIF using this
free online GIF maker tool and share it with your friends and others. You can
also add multiple images as you want and make GIF. You can also add more images
after uploading images on GIF maker tool. This is a free and simple way to make
your GIF file using images. You can also apply various available settings to
make your GIF attractive. After completing you can click on Generate GIF. After
generating GIF you can see download GIF button so you can easily download GIF
that makes by you. Download that GIF and save it into your devices.
How to
make GIF using GIF maker?
Select images that you want to make GIF on GIF maker.
Adjust GIF width, height, speed, and many more settings.
You can also add/remove images according to you.
Now, Download the GIF file into your local device.
Finally, using GIF maker tool, you can simply make a GIF file
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